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Book Review Discussion by Malaysian Expert, Dr. Haji Ahmad Zaharuddin Sani: Kedah Dua Milenia

ASEAN Studies Center on Friday (23/9/2016) held a seminar which consisted of book review titled “Kedah Dua Milenia” by Dr. Haji Ahmad Zaharuddin Sani, Director of Institut Pemikiran Dr. Tun Mahathir Mohammad Universiti Utara Malaysia, and public lecture infront of students of International Relations Major FISIP, UNS. Speakers at this activity were the author of...
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MoU Signing between Universitas Sebelas Maret and Universiti Utara Malaysia

The signing of the MoU between Universitas Sebelas Maret and Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) on May 4, 2016. Manuscript signed by Drs. Ign. Agung Satyawan, SE, S. Ikom., M.Si, Ph.D, head of the ASEAN Studies Center LPPM UNS and Dr. Haji Ahmad Zaharuddin Sani, Institute of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad Thoughts, UUM, witnessed by Vice...
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